Herniated Disc Rehab: The Success of Aqua Therapy

As individuals age, the discs in their spinal column become more likely to tear and cause pain. If a patient hurts their back and…

10 years ago

4 Ways Aquatic Therapy Can Promote Healing After Joint Replacement

Hundreds of thousands of joint replacements are done each year in the United States. Replacing a joint can be extremely…

10 years ago

Case Study: Relief from Chronic Pain and Stiffness with Warm Water Program

Chronic pain and muscle stiffness are common problems in older adults. The more that they have pain while moving, the less…

10 years ago

Is Underwater Treadmill Training Valuable for Athletes?

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of running underwater and using an underwater treadmill. University Of Idaho Study One study,…

10 years ago

Achilles Tendon Rehab for MLS Soccer Player

The recovery from an achilles tendon rupture can be long and painful, especially when it happens in the first game…

10 years ago

Using Warm Water Therapy for Patient Morale

Do you have patients who skip their physical therapy sessions or are frustrated with their rehabilitation program? Many times, patients who require…

10 years ago

10 Basketball Drill Ideas for Aquatic Training

With the NBA pre-season starting next week, it's appropriate to provide some ideas for taking conditioning to the pools. A little bit…

10 years ago

Utah State Study Indicates Running on HydroWorx Aquatic Treadmill with Resistance Jets Produces Land Treadmill Incline Intensities

 Utah State Study Indicates Running on HydroWorx Aquatic Treadmill with Resistance Jets Produces Land Treadmill Incline IntensitiesA new Utah State…

10 years ago

Texas A&M Study Reveals Exciting Correlation between Blood Pressure Stress Response and Underwater Treadmill Training

   Texas A&M Study Reveals Exciting Correlation between Blood Pressure Stress Response and Underwater Treadmill TrainingFor the estimated 67 million Americans…

10 years ago

A Business Plan for Success: 4 Opportunities for Generating Revenue

Committing to a big purchase can be an exciting but challenging decision. What if we told you that our team could offer a roadmap…

10 years ago